Our work continues!
Things have been a little quiet over the summer but the members of the CCSA still continue to work in the background trying to get the...

CCSA working with Can Do Communities
Last night we worked with Can Do Communities to undertake an organisational health check. This is the first step in developing our...

CCSA Management meeting
Our latest meeting took place at St Michaels on the 7 July where detail on the prospects of the pitches being in use in September were...

CCSA Management meeting
We held our latest meeting st St Michaels school with Cllr Brian Rush in attendance. We had some encouraging news about the possibility...

Community Question and answer session
A big thank you to all those who made our first Q & A session at St Michaels School on the 7 May. We were joined by the leader of the...

CCSA management meeting
We held our monthly meeting at St Michaels with support from Caroline Rowan, Assistant Neighbourhood Manager for Peterborough City...