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Our work continues!

Things have been a little quiet over the summer but the members of the CCSA still continue to work in the background trying to get the playing fields at Cardea in use.

We have been able to start work with Richard Hodgson of the PCC. His position as Head of Strategic Projects, means that we are starting to get a true sense of how long it will be before any handover will take place.

It is an extremely complicated process involving Persimmon and PCC in agreeing when the land is in the right condition for initial handover and then use by CCSA clients. As with most new developments, there are lengthy discussions and reports to be dealt with before we get to the next stage. Our volunteers are still asking questions as to what we can do to help move this process along.

We have also commenced the next part of the community review process, considering legal status for the CCSA, shaping how we should look in order to best achieve our aims for the wider community.

This work is ongoing and involves business planning along side legal work to establish a possible charitable status going forward. Keep an eye on our facebook and twitter pages for any updates.

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